The Last Two Years (in summary)

You wouldn’t believe how easy it is to get distracted with things. Two years can go by like that (I just snapped). I’ve been remiss in keeping up with this blog, but I’m back. Over the course of the last two years, what have I done, well let’s see.

  1. Graduated from College
    1. Yeah, it was a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun. I have never worked so hard in my life at anything, really. I worked full-time (or very nearly) and went to school full-time for so long, I don’t remember how to relax quite honestly. There were days when I would be going and going and suddenly just stop altogether and fall asleep. It may or may not have happened once or twice while driving – shh. Any who, I busted my ass for a long time and it finally paid off. I completed my undergraduate program and got my Bachelor’s in English. It shouldn’t have taken as long as it did, but that’s another story altogether.
  2. Evie and I bought a house:
    1. Yep. That was last year, about this time – give or take – and it’s been a handful all on its own. I could say so much about that, but no, I’ll let it go. Point being, we bought a house and we love it, no really we do. In time I plan on putting up posts that pertain to any projects I do around the house, so, we have that to look forward to.
  3. My novel:
    1. What do you mean you haven’t finished a novel yet? It’s been two years, son, get your shit together. In my defense, I’ve been working and going to school full-time for the last two years, remember? I’m working on it though. I’ve decided to devote time to this blog and I’ve decided to devote time everyday to writing. On normal days, I’m going to do my damnedest to write 1,000 – 2,000 words a day. On days off, I will write at least 2,000 words a day, quite possibly more. We’ll see. Point being, I will be writing everyday and the novel will be forthcoming. I will of course post updates on the novel here from time to time.
  4. Oh, I had a short story published:
    1. You can find it in this magazine here on Amazon, and yes, they misspelled my name, but I’ve brought it to their attention. I think it’s quite a good story. I don’t know if I’m allowed to post it here though, legally speaking otherwise I would.

That’s really about it folks. Man, my last two years really did fly by. I’m not sure how it’s going to go, but if I have any say in it, the next two years will be even more amazing. And let’s shoot for like 7-8 times as many publications at least.

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